Stay tuned, as we constantly search for new areas to explore!
The first solutions have already been tested and are ready for establishment. The first are planned to be seen in water during summer 2025. In the meanwhile, we decided to create a DolPoD Out Board Motor...
A biomimetic UW Drone
The Njord is our underwater drone, that has attracted great interest nationally and internationally from authorities and companies in areas related to research, security, surveillance and rescue operations.
The Njord can easily perform its tasks without disturbing marine life, due to the advanced biomimetic innovations.
The biggest challenge of all is to get the big marine freighters to start using the advantages, powered by Dolprop's fin propulsion and thereby change the world's climate.
Scientific studies conducted point to an increased efficiency that can reduce the emissions of the largest freighters by over 20%.
Gladely MAERSK where the first to sign a LOI!
The add-on applications with Dolprop's fin propulsion for SUP and surfboards is a perfect solution for those who want to train safely and have fun without falling. There are more to come in this field...
We at Dolprop Industries AB are passionate about creating innovative solutions that make an positive impact not just for today, but for our future.
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